It is blowing hard out here on Ōtaki Beach, New Zealand, this morning!
But I could not resist this little duck sequence in the stream that runs right past our little beach bach. The stream runs through the estuary - I am hoping that the wind drops a little this afternoon so you and I can get some video sounds other than wind this evening. Which will be your night. And soon your early morning.
And I am shooting for your tomorrow. Sheesh.
It is the way of immigrants to manage two different time zones in our heads. For me it is four different time zones.
How many in your head?
Have a gorgeous morning/evening/afternoon/night-time.
Have a gorgeous anytime at all!
I love the sound of the wind, no matter how often. The ducks of course remind me of Quacker--and how she'd fare among them. Also, near the end, "Comes a Stranger". What the others would do, but they didn't particularly react. Maybe she's no stranger after all, just a wanderer.