FreeBee, Big Jude and Miss C
Over 6 foot long, taller than my hip and at least 400 pounds each these big rescue hogs are a total delight. A big delight - 'scuse the pun.
My intention was to show you how both these big hogs sit for treats. We had been practising.
But of course once the camera was ON they all decided to suit themselves. I say ALL because of course Tima was close by making a nuisance of herself! Can you hear her?
Jude sits beautifully but Free Bee is too slow off the mark so I just fed him anyway! Plus all the roaming chickens. Everyone eats when the big pigs eat.
SoundScapes visuals sometimes get entertaining too!
They have an acre of grass and clover to roam in so they are pretty well fed with greens at this time of year.
Jude and FreeBee are almost 6 years old now. Bless them.
Take care and have fun.
PS Pop over the The Kitchens if you would like to see more of this little sustainably managed farm out on the prairies of Illinois.
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Oh wow! I just read your comment. I can't believe they are over six feet long. Wow!
Well Jude sat beautifully and FreeBee did too--eventually. I couldn't hear Tima until she showed up at the end. I thought the grunting was Jude at the beginning. I have to confess I can't tell the difference between the chickens and the roosters. They move pretty fast is my excuse. I know the rooster has a big red topper but that's all.