Get Lost! - TKG Take Ten - Travel
That's what we used to shout at each other when we were kids. Most especially to the little brothers and sisters who dogged our every step. But I do prefer not to get lost in a new town.
So, I launch forth from my lodgings and walk around with my biological internal compass in high gear as I mentally map my surroundings. Walking is the best way to set your map. I look for the grocery store, the wine shop and a nice cosy cafe with good coffee and books.
I look forward to seeing what I find when I walk out again today!
This morning I walked back down to the river. (I did not get lost). Turn up your sound because I swear I can hear the ice cracking as it breaks away in the current.
I panned up and down the river at the beginning so you have an idea of where I am sitting - on those rocks. Quite comfortably. Just below a public walkway. The camera is balanced on my knee so not exactly hand held but pretty close. The sun has been out and it is a warm day today. They say there will be snow later.
Now, OF COURSE - I like to get lost sometimes. Though never in the wilderness. My Dad was a tramper and made us all swear never to leave the tracks when we ran off into the bush. But getting lost in a little town while I map my surroundings makes for a lovely afternoon. And - no - I do not resort to google maps.
I remember being hopelessly lost in Lagos, in Portugal. Years ago. I was on my way back from the beach, jandals, bikini top (obviously years ago!) and short skirt. Carrying my towel and my book and my water. I had already done that walk a few times with my host. It should have only been a thirty minute walk and here I was an hour later on my way back with no idea which way to turn. In the end, feeling remarkably stupid and refusing to panic, I turned right around and headed straight back down to the sea. The beach was my landmark. I re-oriented my head, had a wee lie down in the sun, a wee wine at a local bar and started back again. No problem at all that time. But I always remember that wiggle of panic - we did not have smart cell phones in those days! No notion of that convenience. No calling an uber. Lost was Lost! I remember thinking no-one would have thought to look for me for hours.
You may well laugh but I have a horrible sense of direction. 😂
Anyway. I am off out now with the full intention of getting lost, and finding myself again. (And possibly finding a wine bar too). Just for fun.
Birds: Today we can hear a Black Billed Magpie. You can always depend on the magpies to be around and about causing mischief. And I swear I heard a crow. But that’s about all.
The snow. The ice. Mild weather today. Downtown Canmore ready to explore.
that's absolutely gorgeous and I as you may remember, I also suffer from a lack of a natural sense of direction, leading to many funny experiences, and I know that panic moment all too well
The video is gorgeous. Did I see the Three Sisters there? Once again you have made me a tad homesick. I got lost coming back from the beach in Spain once. (pre cell phone days and well before we came to live here) The key is not to panic. I realized later that I had no ID on me. Enjoy Canmore, such a lovely town.