Tidal Waters . TKG Take Ten . Travels
Brackish Water. Where the stream meets the sea. How deep is that!
This little stream runs out into the sea. At high tide it fills up to its little sandy banks. Mixing the sea with the fresh water. Brackish. Like us. Then as the tide goes out it gets shallower and shallower.
And at low tide it is low enough to run across.
We have a short TKG Take Ten today. A big pack of dogs appeared and I don’t trust packs of dogs whether they are with a human or not. It can all go bad very quickly. So I collected the children and our cameras and we watched as the pack walked (perfectly obediently as it turned out) past, with their human leader holding the treat.
Go HERE to watch that short.
Have a wonderful day/evening/night
I love seeing the variety of birds. The black and white ones. Could they be terns? Also the one black bird with the sharply pointy orange beak. Maybe I should Google the birds of New Zealand.
Happy to see where you are on a map. I can at least have an idea of that when I see Wellington. Oh I'm I'm glad WaiWai is coming out of his sadness at the loss of Mr. Flowers.
Well I did Google New Zealand birds. The black bird with the orange beak is an "oyster catcher." I know you knew that.