TKG Take Ten: Fun Follows where Girls Farm
Another ten minutes of fun on the farm. Always gentle. Always true. And you are always welcome.
Do you see Boo’s face right at the beginning! ‘Hey Miss C - did you mean to leave your phone on this box?’
Welcome to TKG Take Ten. It is Wednesday! So here are Ten Minutes on the Farm for you. This is a reader supported venture and I am so grateful to the readers who are supporting Letters from The Kitchens Garden Farm (TKG).
The TKG Take Ten is designed to give you ten minutes every week-day of soothing ambient farm sounds. That was my idea anyway. I imagined this to be a soundtrack to support our writing time. However more often than not the animals have other ideas!
Pop over to the daily farm blog if you want to see more of what we are up to.
BooBoo is a cross between a heeler and a cattle dog so he is well supervised. Sometimes he gets a little too helpful. Which is why at feeding time you will hear me call to him often. He sat for most of this ten minutes being good, just off screen. This is usual. Dogs who roam with other animals on the farm need to be very well trained lest they cause trouble. It is just the way of these things.
Of course, Tima being the piggiest of pigs, rushes in to steal WaiWai’s food, and it all goes down hill from there. In the restaurant bucket today we had fresh lettuce so I took it all the way down the back and gave it to the cows. It was their turn for fresh greens. As I throw it over the gate for them the chickens were nipping under the gate at speed, to get some lettuce too, so the cows eat fast!
That hay I was carrying was for the big pigs - Freebee and Big Jude. (They are off screen to the right but you can hear them). They always start their meals with hay plus a turn at what is in the buckets. Contrary to popular opinion hogs love hay and greens, though they hate onions. Hogs do not stop growing and like people it is easy to put on the weight but hard to get it off, so we need to make sure they get as much salad in their diet as possible.
The more shares, the more farm fun offers we send; the more people get to rest here with ordinary times on the sustainable farm. My mission.
Sustainable is doable.
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Have a lovely time! Of day.
Take care. Talk soon.
I'm so happy to see WaiWai walking about looking for dinner too. And happy to catch a glimpse of TonTon going into the barn. I didn't see him come out.
You're like the Pied Piper with all the creatures rushing after you.
I liked it too! Did you see the cock fight? Fun alright.