TKG TAKE TEN : Monday : Welcoming 2024 with Mud (more Mud).
The first TKG Take Ten Video of 2024. Happy New Year and all that jazz. It is still muddy and still above freezing. 35F (1.6C). Today.
The nights are cooling down so hopefully this is the last of the mud for a while.
See those pink overalls (on sale) I am wearing and huge over sized Carhart jacket (Him Indoor never wears it). That is all you will see of me this whole winter! I literally pull that winter gear up over my indoor clothes and off I go.
When the mud on my overalls gets too heavy I wash them. The overalls. Usually it is so cold there is no mud but this year is starting out differently!
And we do not have a clothes dryer out here on the farm - everything is dried on racks in front of the fire or in the glasshouse. Or on the clothesline if it is fine. And the padded overalls would take days to dry that way. So I can only wash them when there is sun and wind and it is above freezing.
Over washing our clothes is actually pretty tough on the environment - almost all the clothes we wear (eg - my black leggings) actually shed micro plastics with every wash and eventually that all goes out to sea. Something to think about.
Plus a person has to be careful about hanging clothes out on the clothesline to dry in the winter. They can freeze solid out there. In a usual winter. Which is kind of amusing - taking the frozen solid trousers down from the line and standing them up by themselves on the grass - it sure is funny the first time!
Can you hear Wai growling at me. I was trying to help him make his bed and he does not like his bed to be interfered with.
Have a lovely evening.
Take care. Talk soon.
PS This is a reader supported publication so thank you so much for reading. 🦋 Hugs to our Paid Subscribers; your support is putting the sustainable in my Sustainable Sunday,🐷 feeding the rescue pigs and paying me a little for my writing time means I can keep making these vids and writing the letters for a LONG TIME!
🐞Huge Smiles for our NEW readers, I look forward to getting to know you.
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HERE is the Latest Sustainable Sunday Letter from the Kitchens Garden Farm with piles of photos of the farm — I am only going to do that more than once a year! It took me forever to choose them. The Sustainable Sunday Letter is often a journey into the past, always entertaining, sometimes even educational! 🍊
Make sure to subscribe so a letter will wing it’s way onto your inbox every Sunday.
Here's a funny short video of one of Mom's turkeys attacking a pair of Dad's overalls on the clothesline. I hope the link works.
Yes, Wai grunted at first, and then he growled! Some nerve! After all you've done for him! Men!