TKG Take Ten : Thursday : Chicken Teepee
IN the middle paddock. (Which is certainly not a paddock, tongue firmly in cheek). Anyway - in the middle paddock weird structures are parked around the perimeter. This one is the chicken teepee.
Like ‘middle paddock’, ‘chicken teepee’ is a moniker that will be hard to shake. It is an old calf hut that is in the process of slowly collapsing in on itself. However it still gives shelter to nattering chooks when they just want to get OUT OF THE HOUSE share a cuppa and have a chinwag.
It is a sweet video - don’t you think? All the chat. Those gentle murmurings.
You could leave this running in your office and people would think you have a very relaxed bunch of chickens visiting on your window sill. I wonder what would they would say. The people, not the chickens. We know what the chickens are saying.
Sorry about the ending. I just noticed that. I forgot to edit 😂 my fingers out!
But it is all about the sounds! Those lovely relaxing farm sounds.
Have a lovely evening!
PS This is a reader supported publication so thank you so much for reading. 🦋 Hugs to our Paid Subscribers; Your support is putting the sustainable in my Sustainable Sunday,🐷 feeding the rescue pigs and paying me a little for my writing time means I can keep making these vids and writing the letters for a LONG TIME!
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HERE is the Latest Sustainable Sunday Letter from the Kitchens Garden Farm with piles of photos of the farm — I am not going to do that more than once a year! It took me forever to choose them. The Sustainable Sunday Letter is often a journey into the past, always entertaining, sometimes even educational! 🍊
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I've never seen a chicken teepee
I love the "hen party" as the British would say!