TKG Take Ten : Tuesday : Chew your food like a cow.
Cows today. These cows eat their breakfast and then lie in the leftovers for the rest of the day and chew it again as cud. They chew their food well!
Cows are the very essence of the word to ruminate.
Do you hear my footsteps as I walk away? I have not gone far. Because cows are nosy and they have knocked my dolly stand and the phone camera to the ground on more than one occasion. They like to inspect things.
So I am off camera - over by the gate, leaning on it - watching the cows with you. Just in case there is trouble.
While the weather is so dangerous I deliver their food slowly and I do not call to them because they walk through concrete yards to get out to the field where I throw their hay. And as you know those concrete yards are covered in ice. Inches of it in some places. It is terribly slippery. Cows are slow moving and clumsy. And if a cow skids on the ice and his legs go out from under him we have a very badly damaged animal - and I seriously do not want that. And neither does the cow. So we go slowly and gently the cows and I.
I prefer to leave the hay out there and let them discover it in their own time.
There is light rain as this video is being shot (it is just above freezing) and if you listen carefully you will hear Tima tracking through the ice to the chook house just in case the anti-Tima board has fallen down from the doorway and she can get in to steal eggs.
You know how she is!
Have a lovely evening. See you tomorrow morning at The Kitchens Garden.
PS This is a reader supported publication so thank you so much for reading. 🦋 Your support is putting the sustainable in my Sustainable Sunday.
If you are able to upgrade; 🐷 you are feeding the rescue pigs (Tima too) and paying me a little for my writing time which means I can keep making these vids and writing the letters for a LONG TIME!
$5 a MONTH. Yup. That’s all. 🐞
If you cannot upgrade - and I do understand - SHARE - someone out there in your community might need the comfort of 10 minutes on the farm. Let’s spread gentleness in this tumultuous time.
🍊 I promise you NO POLITICS EVER! We come to the garden gate to get away from all that bull-shit. (‘scuse the pun) 😂
First, thank you this video. I've seen cows before, even as a little girl, but they were always far far away, usually lying down chewing their cud. I never got to see they eating, got to see how they chew their meal, a slide to slide jaw movement, huh. I knew cows were curious because once upon a time I was with a boyfriend on a road near a farm and during the night we got out of the car and the cows all came to the fence just to see who we were. Then we went into the barn and he swept away an afterbirth just a few hours old I think. But I digress.
Quacker sings down the scale "so,fa, mi, re, do." A farmer needs to be a true psychologist. Just think how you approach them slowly so they don't bolt or move on the icy concrete for the food. I remember you lifting Daisy by the hindquarters when they dropped. You saved her life that day. A very scary day it was. I'm not sure but I think the cause was she was depleted of milk.