TKG Take Ten: Tuesday. Ground Level
December 2023. Looking out to the East and through a misty morning. The holiday called Christmas is over for another year. Phew! 😅
Holidays or not the animals and birds don’t care. Everything is about survival - always. Scavenging for food is always on the menu.
The mornings have been dawning mistily lately. Mist typically forms when warm, moist air comes into contact with a cooler surface, like a field, or the front lawn, so we know that the soil is getting colder but the air is still very warm for December.
The mist brings an other worldly feeling to our landscape. The droplets of water hanging in the air capture and separate sound. Amplifying intricate details that otherwise go unnoticed.
I hate that the camera slipped and the rising mist reveals the angled horizon.
I love that the wild birds are competing with the chickens and the roosters and Tima for pieces of grain. Their tiny little chirps of alarm. The woosh of their wings as they move to and fro.
I hope your day was lovely.
PS This is a reader supported publication so thank you so much for reading. 🦋 Hugs to my new Paid Subscribers; Your support is putting the sustainable in my Sustainable Sunday.🐷 Feeding the rescue pigs and paying me a little for my writing time means I can keep making these vids and write the letters for a LONG TIME!
🐞Huge Smiles for our NEW readers, I look forward to getting to know you.
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Many examples of the term 'chicken scratches'. The sparrows always get in on the action.
This is so lovely. And peaceful. Thank you. The chicken clucking -- almost musical -- is very soothing to me. And agree: the mix of wild with domestic animals is beautiful and fascinating. Everyone's hungry! I also love the pace of your movements. As if you and Ms. Earth are in perfect synchronicity. Neither hurrying nor tarrying. Wonderful.