TKG Take Ten : Wednesday : An unhurried snow flurry
They call this a snow flurry but really it is not a flurry as such. A flurry makes me think of a hurry. And this is just a few light snowflakes rolling past on the wind.
Hardly even worth mentioning really. Even so it was cooler.
Do you think I sound like a duck when I am calling Quacker?
I took a little feed out to Mr Flowers as well. He was hiding in the shed. He does not ‘do weather’. Everyone else was just going about their busy-ness doing what they do.
Did you see Tima come out and then run off with her head held high? She had stolen a capsicum from the chickens scraps, I don’t know who she thought was chasing her but she ran off round the back and ate her stolen loot around there.
WaiWai will only eat the green capsicums. Tima will eat the read and yellow ones too. Not Wai - only the green for that fussy fellow. I don’t know how he knows as he is all but blind but there you are. I took a couple of green ones into his house for him to eat in there. Under his covers. That pig.
Have a lovely evening!
PS This is a reader supported publication so thank you so much for reading. 🦋 Hugs to my new Paid Subscribers; Your support is putting the sustainable in my Sustainable Sunday,🐷 feeding the rescue pigs and paying me a little for my writing time means I can keep making these vids and writing the letters for a LONG TIME!
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HERE is the Latest Sustainable Sunday Letter from the Kitchens Garden Farm with piles of photos of the farm — I am not going to do that more than once a year! It took me forever to choose them. The Sustainable Sunday Letter is often a journey into the past, always entertaining, sometimes even educational! 🍊
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That wind! It is wicked here too. Ours is out of the east ... so not coming from you. I guess we are going to have to get used to some 'real winter temperatures' now. No snow but cold!
Tima is a really pretty pig. Her coloring's like a Jersey cow. And it was comforting to see Boo. We don't get to see him or Ton too often, and I can't get enough of either of them.