TKG Take10 "Quacky Splashy Ducks without the Quack or the Splash."
Tuesday: Join the ducks in the pond for a few minutes. Sit on the front deck with me.
POV - Point of View is important I think. It is hard for us to know where we are going if we don’t know where we are. Which direction we are looking. So I will try to remember to tell you.
POV: The camera is facing North.
This TKG Take10 vid was shot from the front deck. And the ducks, being restless, unpredictable creatures, only hang around for about five minutes.
You can hear a little wind and not much else. I have walked away to let the camera run. To hear what we hear. It is so quiet when the clouds are low. Poignant but still heavy with that element of waiting. So when Little Quacker pipes up it is almost frightful!
When there is not a lot to see we zero down into sounds. I like that. Do you like that? In that case you will LOVE tomorrows Take10!
Have a lovely evening.
(Sorry for the paraphernalia laying about the pond - I am cleaning it (the pond). Not everything is pretty.
Don’t forget to pop into The Kitchens Garden in the morning.
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