TKG Take10 • Travel. “Abstract Take Off”
Thursday. And now we enter the uncharted waters of TKG Take10 • Travel. First stop California..
This 10 minutes of video is taken from inside the plane looking out the window. Yesterday morning. At dawn We were paused on the tarmac in Bloomington. Preparing to launch into the impossible feat of flying through the air.
It all makes no sense to me at all.
Just imagine what our lives would be like if those of us who travel (and I’m definitely one of those who travel) if air travel had never been invented. No planes at all. No flight. It was never even a thought. I’d have to catch a train or a bus to the coast.
I bet trains would be amazing! Now that might be a fun idea to write.
Or maybe I’d ride my horsey and Boo-Boo would walk along behind. And here we are back at the beginning of that story I haven’t written yet.
And I do not have a horsey.
Enjoy this rather abstract takeoff into the sunrise and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
If you like TKG Take Ten and Sustainable Sunday please feel free to forward this link to a few people and share on your social media. It really helps me to get the word out there.
And don’t forget to pop into The Kitchens Garden in the morning. I’ll be there!
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We’ve taken the train from Wisconsin to Seattle. It was ok. Planes are much faster. :-)
Taking off used to be my favorite part of flying. I'm a full time caregiver now so thank you for the vicarious adventure.