We have been here before you and I. In the suburbs.
In fact I could sit in the middle of the road, cross legged, on my arse. With my camera. And shoot for 10 minutes, straight down this road without seeing a car in this cul de sac. I would be perfectly safe. It’s so. Quiet. Which is great really. Just. Quiet.
This is an odd angle because I had to put a bush in the foreground to shield the front of the house across the road - then we were not staring into the neighbours window. In the city we work very hard not to look in a window. Or at their doors. Or into someone’s car. I even check out peoples gardens using my side eye.
As you are reading this I am on the way to Disney World. Reluctantly. But. I think there are going to be some great shots there. Great sounds. I look forward to the challenge.
Though Disney World is as far from a sustainably managed entertainment as you can get - I can’t imagine it’s good for the Earth underneath there.
It’s interesting doing my TKG Take10 project off the farm. It is stretching my imagination. Forcing me to think outside the farm box.
Thank you so much for coming along for the ride!
f you like TKG Take Ten and Sustainable Sunday please feel free to forward this link to a few people and share on your social media. It really helps me to get the word out there.
And don’t forget to pop into The Kitchens Garden in the morning. I’ll be there!
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Best of luck with your visit to Mickey and Minnie’s garden. Take deep breaths and focus on calming thoughts.
We live on a very quiet cul de sac. Most of our neighbors are reasonably careful to lead sustainable lives. I’ve even set up my camera tripod in the street to photograph a night sky event away from trees. I didn’t get run over or even see cars.
That was so weird, being so used to all the farmy noises punctuating your videos l somehow expected to hear them! And oh that huge patriotic flag just made me think of Trump. Disneyland! Another far cry from what you and we are use to. They say a change is as good as a rest but somehow that doesn’t fit in this instance! Anyway your family will be delighted to have you along .