Oct 7, 2023Liked by Cecilia At The Kitchens Garden

What a terrifying experience. As always your coping and caring mechanisms kicked in. Your fast action and compassion saved that old lady’s life l’m certain. When l was a wage earner l was a support worker for children and adults with learning difficulties and although l had to deal with many scary situations thank god none were as extreme as that and of course l was not as emotionally involved( though that in itself was hard to deal with). Now at the ripe old age of 75 l guess l will be in the cared for section in the not too distant future. Mind you having my grown up family around l’m still in the “caring” stage! I very very sincerely hope that your mother in law is on a more even keel and that somehow you manage to get some respite yourself. Hope that John and others can help on the farm front. Thinking of you, Andy X

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Cecilia At The Kitchens Garden

Celi my heart also goes out to you. Your writing inspires me to start writing more often. I can see how writing it all down can help you heal through the trauma of your caring for her. I am a caregiver too but luckily of my healthy 95 year old mom. I wish I have my family here to share the burden but they live far away. My sister is always there for me on the phone when I need emotional support dealing with the emotional roller coaster of an 95 year old that is afraid of dying. Even in good health our elderly need support and care. I pray that she continues to be in good health and simply will pass in her sleep one night without all the trauma of what your mother in law has just been through with you at her side. This discussion lately about caring for our elderly has really helped me feel supported and not alone. Thank you for being there.


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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Cecilia At The Kitchens Garden

Oh Cecilia. My heart goes out to you. I wish I could give you a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. Elder care can be so hard and so very stressful. Thanks for sharing this with us. I agree about the over medication of seniors. My mom at one time was on 26 pills a day! When she moved into a care home, we cut her back to 2 and a patch for her heart. She perked up and lived another 6 years. Virtual hugs are flying your way. ❤️❤️

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Cecilia At The Kitchens Garden

C- I have no words, just tears. I can only send you through the distant air my highest level of respect and a multitude of hugs for the amazing person you are.

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Celi, and I am so sorry to hear about your pain., and I am amazed at your strength, knowledge and the ability to keep going far beyond what most of us could. I don't know who will care for us when we finally need it. We have no children. When the time comes I hope it is someone with your courage and grace.

xx Lynda

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💗💗💗 You are an angel.

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they are so lucky for your being there, so scary

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Cece, my dear friend, you are extraordinary. The family is lucky to have you. This post and your writing is extraordinary. I was in tears throughout. That scene in the ambulance is a short story in itself. (You know me--I always have to comment on the writing.) Sending love and healing to you and the Matriarch.

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Mom suffered a stroke 23 years ago. She was in a nursing home for another 5 yrs, never able to return to her own home. Dad needed care and couldn’t be on his own. The 7 of us available nearby took turns staying with him and driving him to see mom each day. After a year of that, it was clear he needed more help than we could give. He moved into the nursing home with mom in the same room. That was a good arrangement for everyone. About a year later, he passed.

Caregiving is often hard. There is so much responsibility looking after another. They all deserve blessings and thanks.

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Oh, my dears. Sending much love to you and the Matriarch, through tears. <3

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