Sorry. This Sustainable Sunday is Missing.
As is my internet. As is my serenity. I saw something on a Ted Talk once about serenity. Being a comfort. Real Life is not an Instagram Post. Definitely worth a laugh. But not serene.
I love ya.
And I miss ya!
And I will be back with TKG Take Ten tomorrow.
PS Don’t you wish I was one of those writers who had a content calendar and wrote all my posts AHEAD OF TIME! So everything was slick and predictable. Nope - not me. And stayed on brand. Nope - still not me. One of those writers with fast reliable internet. Nope - not me either. One of those writers with a clear message. Nope - and again - not me. I am a daily writer. I like to talk with you in real time not write at you from weeks ago. My little sustainable organic farm informs my writing. On a daily basis. I am a writer with a houdini hog who broke down two doors in the barn (by leaning on them - old, old barn remember) this morning and let the cows out, again. Then he smiled at me! 400 pound hogs are terrifying when they smile at a 135 pound farmer person.
I am the writer with a peacock who does the most amazing show in front of the messy garage. And does not care to care about his display. Every day.
Yup - thats me. Your writer. And remember this is a two way street. I am writing with you. So, talk to me. I love reading your comments! Please. Comment. Or even message me with flowers and wine. No. Forget the flowers. Just. Send. Wine. 😂
Too far?
Ok. I’ll get my coat.
Crikey! I used to work with a friend you used 'CRIKEY!' as her expletive of choice. She totally passed that habit onto me. Love using that word. Funny how our language can seep into our family and friends vocabulary. We just finished hosting our son's family and our daughter's family over the school break. Three littles under five and two bigs over thirteen. The bigs bashfully hideaway in the shadows hoping the littles don't blow their cover and make them do something terrible like dress up or pretend. ;) I noticed this week my old saying of 'moi aussi' somehow crept into my wife's lingo. I have NEVER heard her squeak a syllable in french. But as the week went on and we old ones got a little weaker at the knees out it came. I'm actually leaving my beautiful countryside behind in a month ... that is why I haven't written on my blog lately. Cannot figure out how to say 'I'm leaving'... We are leaving for another great place - Retirement 2.0 - a new adventure. But CRIKEY I'm a bit sick at heart as I say goodbye to this fiercely loved little hobby farm of mine. Our next stop is actually ... an apartment ... BUT it is on the shores of Lake Ontario ... with kilometres of amazing hiking and biking trails right out the back door. Our daughter and her family are moving into our place. So it will remain a family treasure. It will be great to see what they do with the place. I am going to miss the familiar critter personalities that have lived here with me for twelve years. Maybe I'll be able to sway them to develop at least their own little flock of hens. Always glad to chat with you!