Yay! The linked image worked! Ha! Learning all the time.

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I think it is too easy to get complacent, not that we should always be waiting for the next negative thing to happen but- we cannot ever fully sit at ease being assured that no more minor or major crisis is looming. A moderate state of readiness is not a bad concept I think. A basic action plan for the time just before and leading into all hell breaking loose.

I treasure these walkabouts around the farm. They brighten my day so much and give me a sense of connection that you just don't get with the still photos. Tima has worked her magic I see but FreeBee posing with that charming tilt of the head made me laugh out loud. What a pig :)

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There will always be a crisis maybe we need to change the word to - ordinary life!

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Oh yes, I think that is very appropriate :)

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The Farmy Walkabout is just wonderful! So good to see what I've been reading about all these years, including the ditch that was a creek, the Fellowship Forest up close, all the different gardens in different places and of course the animals in their fields. And the organic cornfields that seemingly go on forever! Too cool to walk through them with you! Loved it!!!

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I really like making the rambling walk-about too. It is my pleasure!

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All this election hysteria is enough to make anyone's head spin, right? But you've cut straight through the BS and pointed out something we all kinda know deep down but forget in the chaos - one person can't possibly handle it all.

I love how you've called out this crazy idea that we can just hand over all our problems to some political messiah. It's like we're all sitting around waiting for Superman or Superwoman when really, the power's been in our hands the whole time. Happy New Week Cecilia.

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You have a unique ability to take my muddled thoughts and form them into coherent sentences. The reframe is perfect. Happy Tuesday .

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That was an impressive list. Much to ponder in it.

I will be an election worker at a local site in November. I won’t be able to vote for myself. I would change a lot of things if I was the supreme ruler.

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I love that you are an election worker.

We would not be voting ourselves to be supreme leader though we are giving ourselves permission to make changes ourselves.

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Yes these walkabouts are wonderful. You are brave to walk into the corn stalks themselves. I would get lost in a second--and be scared to meet a corn snake. But they are so beautiful to see. The animals cheer me--and seeing Boo by your side--such a loyal fellow.

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You can’t really get lost in the cornfields. Just follow a row and it will come out somewhere! I have never seen a corn snake.what do they look like?

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I don't know what they look like--only that they exist--I think.

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