As a parent, you are right, we never stop worrying about them. My eldest is 56, my youngest is 41, the eldest grandchild 30, the youngest 12! And still they cause consternation and boundless love for them all in equal measure. I do agree with Patricia, too many people, overwhelming, but certainly better than being lonely. But lovely at the end of a long day when it’s just the two of you again. Very happy Christmas to you and all your followers.

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Happy to spot WaiWai walking about. And get such a charge out of the way the chickens dash one way then another, always (well, mostly) in a great hurry. I think I'm doing better in identifying the roosters too. Hope you are able to not just survive but actually enjoy the holiday. We're dreading it too--too many people, the overwhelmingness of it.

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It is overwhelming. I find my detailed plans and menus for each day make it much easier. Plus I only cook super simple stuff! Today i begin my prep!

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I never knew there was such a thing as willowbark tea! you are so ri=ght that we never stop worrying about our children, and even more so when they are older!

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Aspirin is made from willow bark. So tea is medicinal.

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