We are a work in progress. WIP as we say in the biz. We are not just one thing, like a writer or a cook or a cleaner or a mother. We are more. This is the resoundingly loud lesson I learnt in 2023.
Yes Charlotte, I totally agree! I have been dropping hints to Celi to do this as well. I think she is well on her way! Happy New Year to you and yours! xo Diane
I don’t know. Memoirs include other people and our stories are all intertwined. It is hard to tell one’s own stories without betraying the confidence of another. We’ll see
An Instagram meme "2023 was a weird year because I was somehow living my best life and worst life at the same exact time" nailed my 2023 but also made me realise that imbalance is a reasonable expectation we often overlook. For 2024, and hopefully the rest of my days I want to look more kindly upon myself and self-judge my successes, failures, detours, swings, roundabouts, pauses... all as accomplishments.
Fabulous photos. I tried to pick a favourite but just couldn't. I like listing my successes and my failures (which are just delayed successes for the most part) And this poem spoke to me as it's my life!
Don't fight it too hard
Fail at it then fail some more
Success comes from falls
Thanks for sharing your photos, thoughts and life with us. Green eyes are the best!
Amazing post Celi! I don't have a spreadsheet, but I'm getting out my journal to record my successes and failures as well, and where I go from here into the amazing, new year, 2024! Happy Happy New Year Fellowship of the Farmy!!!
As infants, we learn from our failures. We keep trying and failing and learning. I want people around me who never stop trying. They make life interesting.
Yes!! As will we all. And though it is hard, if you feel relief when you make a decision like that then it is the right one. The right decision. Looking forward to seeing whats next!
Yes - starting a project is absolutely a success. I think we need to careful how we judge failures too. Is that something we need to jump into? I mean how will we quantify our failures.
Here's your column #3; turn these posts into a book proposal for a memoir. Just saying.
At some point this year you and I need to talk about your self publishing knowledge. You know so much stuff Charlotte!
I would love to talk about it with you any time!
Yes Charlotte, I totally agree! I have been dropping hints to Celi to do this as well. I think she is well on her way! Happy New Year to you and yours! xo Diane
I don’t know. Memoirs include other people and our stories are all intertwined. It is hard to tell one’s own stories without betraying the confidence of another. We’ll see
She is well on her way, even with those doubts! (Part of being a writer.) Happy new year!
An Instagram meme "2023 was a weird year because I was somehow living my best life and worst life at the same exact time" nailed my 2023 but also made me realise that imbalance is a reasonable expectation we often overlook. For 2024, and hopefully the rest of my days I want to look more kindly upon myself and self-judge my successes, failures, detours, swings, roundabouts, pauses... all as accomplishments.
Yes - exactly that. All of it is intertwined into the journey that has brought us here to this moment. Wonderful !
Fabulous photos. I tried to pick a favourite but just couldn't. I like listing my successes and my failures (which are just delayed successes for the most part) And this poem spoke to me as it's my life!
Don't fight it too hard
Fail at it then fail some more
Success comes from falls
Thanks for sharing your photos, thoughts and life with us. Green eyes are the best!
Good morning Darlene and Happy New Year!! I am quite liking giving myself permission to make little poems.Not a poet though!
I beg to differ. We are all poets inside!
Amazing post Celi! I don't have a spreadsheet, but I'm getting out my journal to record my successes and failures as well, and where I go from here into the amazing, new year, 2024! Happy Happy New Year Fellowship of the Farmy!!!
If we really examine a failure we get to find where it has shot off into the success. Maybe just intentional learning from a failure is the success.
As infants, we learn from our failures. We keep trying and failing and learning. I want people around me who never stop trying. They make life interesting.
That is the best!! To surround yourself in people who never stop trying. I really like that. Happy New Year Jim
Happy New Year to you and all the animals around you.
I love this so. much! the perfect way to end one year and begin another, always another chance at everything.
There sure is. Always another chance if we choose to take it. Thank you so much for a wonderful year, Beth!
Yes!! As will we all. And though it is hard, if you feel relief when you make a decision like that then it is the right one. The right decision. Looking forward to seeing whats next!
Yes - starting a project is absolutely a success. I think we need to careful how we judge failures too. Is that something we need to jump into? I mean how will we quantify our failures.