Oct 6Liked by Cecilia At The Kitchens Garden

There’s so much to unpack here Cecilia. Since becoming more aware of the state of our precious planet, I’ve completely shifted my mindset toward “stuff”. I buy very little these days and I don’t feel deprived at all. I’ve also been decluttering, realizing I don’t need half of the stuff I own and wondering why the heck I bought this stuff in the first place. My husband and I were just talking about our spending in the first few months of retirement and I commented that we’re spending less and living well. Fascinating!

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Spending less and living well! That is awesome. Retirement must be a big change in your life.

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Oct 6Liked by Cecilia At The Kitchens Garden

Thank you, thank you, for featuring me!

And I have fallen victim to the big couch theory myself, as in purchasing a huge purple velvet one that was soooo comfy and also ridiculously big for my living room. Also, I agree with Deb, who says there is so much good stuff in this post--it is crammed full!

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You are very welcome! I loved this love letter of yours. A big purple velvet couch! I should have known!! 🙂🤭

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Oct 6Liked by Cecilia At The Kitchens Garden

So... Are other people not measuring their living rooms with their own arms and legs before shopping? 😲

On a serious note, if only we were all as ♻️ as you C.

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To be fair I am SO lucky to have a wee farm. Not everyone gets this lucky. Happy Sunday Nadine! How are you? I do envy you your cafe. I love to work in caf's.

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Oct 7Liked by Cecilia At The Kitchens Garden

I presume the trade-off of the little land square you have is not many trendy coffee shops nearby??

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Yes. Hence the international travel! 😂

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Oct 7Liked by Cecilia At The Kitchens Garden

I am all for less. This afternoon I am bringing two bags of clothing and other matters to Goodwill. I don't care for a receipt just take them. Next house I buy is going to be a fraction of what I have now there is so much wasted/not used space here.

Only excess I want in life is homegrown tomatoes.

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Oh yes! Tiny house - big garden! That would be my ideal. Like those Greek restaurants on the islands. A little kitchen like an island on the middle of outdoor seating.

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Oct 7Liked by Cecilia At The Kitchens Garden

"I also ask myself if I’m leaving behind things my children will have to sort through when I’m gone."

So many good points and things to think about. We have ongoing efforts to minimize in our household with pretty good success. Although, I worry at times when my wife looks at me and seems to be thinking "should I get rid of him, too?" Just kidding.

She used to work for the trust dept at a local bank. She saw many cases where families ended up with too much stuff and no mechanisms for dealing with it when the elders died. So much goes to waste. Antique shops and junk stores are brimming with it.

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It is real. And your wife’s experience with the aftermath is an interesting addition to the conversation! Do you mind if I restack your comment, Jim?

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It is ok.

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Oct 6Liked by Cecilia At The Kitchens Garden

I agree that minimalism Is that way to go. But capitalism, the system here in the U.S., seems to be the exact opposite. Before buying anything I ask myself, 'Do I really need this?' and 'Where will I put it?' These questions usually bring to a halt the buying of anything not absolutely necessary. And it is so much easier and lighter not to have to deal with so much 'stuff!' All seems to be going wonderfully there on the Farmy. And how fabulous to have scored a truckload of pumpkins! The gang on the farmy, no doubt, are very happy indeed! :)

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Where will I put it is such an important question! Great! The pumpkins are so pretty I almost feel bad chopping them up!

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Oct 6Liked by Cecilia At The Kitchens Garden

So much good stuff in this Sunday letter, I think that I will be reading it many times, finding bits and pieces of inspiration. I often feel as if I make 2 steps forward and then 1 step back in trying to cut things from my "do I really need to buy this" list. I am not very good at consistency I think. What a treasure to have an entire pick up load of pumpkins. That young man deserves so much credit for his intentional farming scheme. I wonder if he is going into a business field upon graduation? Even if he is not, just think what he is learning!

I am so thankful for the walkabouts each week. I know I have said this before, but I treasure this weekly connection to the farmy I have known for so many years and to see how things change so quickly just over 1 weeks time. BTW- the sound for me was excellent this time :)

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Oh good! I am pleased the sound was better. It will be fun to look back after a few weeks and see the changes. It does change fast at this time of year.

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I think we all need to buy less stuff! What we do with our waste/rubbish is one of the biggest problems we have! I would like to grow more of our own feed for our animals but it’s so much work!! We do have lots of pumpkins and the pigs get them mostly, but we still buy grain for them and the chooks. I love the sound of your pop pops. Unfortunately we can’t import pigs into Australia. They sound like kune kune I think they’re called. Would love something that can do well on plants

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Wonderful to see the animals with your lovely commentary. And I deeply appreciate your insights about consuming less while being mindful more.

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It is wild how we’re all guilty of underestimating our space and overestimating what we need.

Whether it's sofas or credit cards, we tend to fill up every corner of our lives without thinking about the long-term impact. It's almost like we’re wired for ‘more,’ but this idea of simplifying—not just in what we own but in how we think—feels so frickin liberating.

These days I keep things that add value.

I feel lighter Cecilia - like if I could fly :)

Enjoy your week ahead friend.

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