Alice encounters a chaotic household where she meets the Duchess, a violent cook, and a grinning Cheshire Cat who tells her where to go. And a pig, I think.
Oh I love this chapter for so many reasons! It is the first one that I have more than a vague recollection of from reading the story as a child. The images of the characters are much stronger in my head, like the great frog eyes, and Cheshire cat fading away to just a grin sitting in a tree. You personify the Duchess so well in both voice and attitude. I admit that as the baby became more pig-like I was seeing a shiny black Pop Pop face cradled in Alice's arms... :)
So true! And think about a child reading this for the first time and trying to make sense of all of it. Now as an adult who knows the story already we carry a tad more logic along with us as we listen to you read... still- that cook certainly lets the emotions run rampant!
Oh I love this chapter for so many reasons! It is the first one that I have more than a vague recollection of from reading the story as a child. The images of the characters are much stronger in my head, like the great frog eyes, and Cheshire cat fading away to just a grin sitting in a tree. You personify the Duchess so well in both voice and attitude. I admit that as the baby became more pig-like I was seeing a shiny black Pop Pop face cradled in Alice's arms... :)
The story did not sound quite so dreadful when we realise that it is a piglet! Not a baby being bombarded by the cook!
So true! And think about a child reading this for the first time and trying to make sense of all of it. Now as an adult who knows the story already we carry a tad more logic along with us as we listen to you read... still- that cook certainly lets the emotions run rampant!