The Reluctant Dragon by Kenneth Graham. Unedited. I don’t much muck around with my recordings. If I sigh I sigh in character. If I sneeze I will apologise in character. If I stumble over a word it is the character who is hesitating. It is my theatre training: those little ad-libs.
This is exactly how you would hear me read a story to you if we were sat by the fire relaxing.
I have read the whole short story in one sitting so it is a bit longer than usual. So tell me if this makes a difference to you. (Having a longer sitting).
Narrating audio books is my favorite thing!
Go here to listen to Wind in the Willows chapter by chapter.
And thank you - sharing my posts make a huge difference to our reach.
Alice in Wonderland the Complete set has already glided behind the paywall so if you have upgraded you can listen to it here.
Next up I will be reading Winnie the Pooh with Christopher Robin and all his friends. Chapter one will be embedded in the Sunday NEWSLETTER.
One thing I am noticing, and it is heartening, is that these stories I am reading (and they are all over 100 years old) were written by authors for their own children. The writing is personal. Entertaining kids with our own stories is an art. And one we need to keep a hold of. These authors are teaching their kids with bedtime stories just like we do.
And that reaches my tired heart more than anything this evening.
So if you are writing or working at writing or writing like crazy - stick at it. Your words are important.
Stay in touch.
I don’t care how you subscribe; I am so very grateful for your presence here with me as the kitchen’s garden travels.
Be kind
Take good care of yourself and Talk soon
PS If you find typos in my posts that is because I am not AI. I am a real person. I make mistakes 😂 .
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