Today we have two short stories that were written and are read by Cecilia from The Kitchens Garden.
Thank you so much for popping in today and I hope you enjoy this reader supported podcast - these podcasts are FREE for ALL of May 2023.
Don’t forget these podcasts are unedited (and probably always will be) because I have way too much fun reading them to get all fancy and cut the mistakes out!
Have a lovely day.
For day to day posts of my environmentally sustainable lifestyle in Central Illinois pop over to
Letters to My Mother, The Collection, is a series of stories from my childhood growing up on a beach on New Zealand many, many years ago. They are interesting to untangle because they are written by an adult (me) using the memories of a child (me). Which makes them as interesting to write, as I hope they are to read, or listen to.
I would also like to gently offer that I am presenting these stories to you from my solitary desk in the midwest and I would be ever so grateful if you were able to throw a few dollars into my hat via the subscription.
$5 a month will help keep me off the streets and in tea and cranberry shortbreads. Check ABOUT to read more.
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